Jul 2, 2015 | Our Veterinary Life
Today I received an email from Vetanswers member Dr Liz Chmurycz with the following:Hi Judy,I have a question that I would appreciate if you could ask all of the other vets out there.Is it a vet's responsibility to make veterinary care affordable for pet...
Mar 13, 2014 | Veterinary Clients
Two recent events have started me thinking about the relationship between being made to feel special as a veterinary client and the $ value of the account. Does being made to feel special mean clients are less likely to be concerned about prices? I went to the...
Mar 5, 2014 | Our Veterinary Life
Well the dust has settled and I thought it was time to reflect on Ruth’s weekend of vet bashing. I don’t know why I was surprised to read an article whinging about the cost of vets. It’s something that I deal with on a weekly basis in the veterinary clinic. I think...
Feb 27, 2014 | Our Veterinary Life, Veterinary Clients
So why do some people believe veterinary services are overpriced? I’ve just finished re-reading the blog post by Dr Belinda: A trip to the vet shouldn’t include a scalping: A rebuttal from a veterinarian’s perspective, scanning through the 100 or so responses as well...
Feb 27, 2014 | Our Veterinary Life
After reading Dr Belinda's blog post: A Veterinarian's Perpective – Rebuttal About Scalpings I sent an email out to Vetanswers members asking for their opinions and offering to publish their thoughts in a blog post…… My name is Kay,...