Oct 14, 2020 | Innovation, Veterinary Clients
Helping your clients to maintain their pet’s mobility One of the most common conditions clients is referred to me for is dragging or paw knuckling. As we know there can be several causes of paw knuckling or dragging including: Arthritis, Injury, Carpal flexural...
Aug 17, 2017 | Building your skills
Veterinary acupuncture – it’s not just about treating senior pets with arthritis… At a Feline Conference in Sydney, one of the delegates asked the feline specialists “What analgesia do you recommend in an elderly cat with arthritis and concurrent...
Jun 12, 2014 | Veterinary Clients
An open letter to all pet insurance companies Note: I originally claimed my pet insurance had increased by 70% in a year. This is in fact incorrect and the correct increase is 52% this year. I was looking at the wrong renewal invoice however I have since realised...
Nov 21, 2013 | Veterinary Clients
What sort of resources & information do you offer your veterinary clients with senior pets?As you may already know, one of my girls is a senior dog…a very, very senior dog. An 18 years & 1 month senior dog! I celebrated her 18th birthday by making...