Aug 21, 2021 | Growing Your Business, Managing & Leading People
Vettr is a veterinary buying group with a difference! Have you heard of Vettr? They’re a veterinary buying group you may have known as Veterinary Growth Partners but have recently re-branded. This allowed them to reflect, ask questions and focus on what they...
Jun 13, 2019 | 3 things I bet you didn't know
The Veterinary Buyers Group is a buying group consisting of veterinary practice owners who want to reduce expenditure, increase profit and improve the way their practice is managed. 1. They are absolute experts at….. The Veterinary Buyers Group (VBG) are the...
Sep 21, 2017 | Growing Your Business
Thinking of joining a veterinary buying group? If you think about it, what do you want a buying group to do for your practice? Like all employees they should: Enhance your practice by reducing costs and finding ways to improve efficiencies, Be knowledgeable in their...