

Proffesional Development Calendar Guidelines

Guest Bloggers

We want YOU!

If you work in a veterinary practice or in the pet industry or in a business that supplies goods or services to the industry and you have something to say – why not become a ‘Guest Blogger’?

For more information click here to read our: Guidelines for Guest Bloggers

Promote YOUR training to our growing online veterinary community

Why advertise with us?

Business Member Testimonial….

Add YOUR CPD Events to the online…

What’s on? Veterinary CPD Calendar

Providing one location for all continuing professional development events for the veterinary industry is an important resource for the Vetanswers Community. 

Workshops  |  Courses  |  Webinars  |  Conferences….

Why promote your CPD events in our Calendar?

Our online What’s on? Veterinary CPD Calendar is the ONLY online CPD Calendar for the veterinary industry that…

  • Is regularly updated and actively promoted
  • Contains ALL training events available to the Australian veterinary industry
  • Is fully searchable using tags including: type of training; date; location; provider; topic; and job description
  • Offers Veterinary Specialist, Referral and Emergency Centres the opportunity to have their training events promoted at a greatly discounted rate.

How can you promote your events to our Community?

1. Complimentary Basic Listing

ALL CPD events are listed for FREE using our Complimentary Basic Listing – send us the details and we’ll add your events by including the following information:

  • Training event title, Date & Time, Type of training (online, workshop, conference, etc.), City & State

2. Stand out with one of our Paid Listing options

  1. 12 Months Premium Business Membership: Perfect if you want full listings and promotion of multiple training events in our online CPD calendar & also a full listing on our our On-Demand Page
  2. 12 Months Practical Business Membership: Perfect if you only offer on-demand & online CPD e.g. webinars, online learning and distance education
  3. One-Off Listing & Promotion: The best option if you only have one or two CPD events per year to promote
  4. One-Off Super Basic Option: The best budget option if you only have one or two CPD events
  5. 12 Months Specialist / Referral / Emergency Centre Business Membership: The best option for Specialist / Referral / Emergency Centres

ALL Paid Listings in our online What’s on? Veterinary CPD Calendar include:

  • Company name & logo
  • Training event title & type of training
  • Date, times, address & location
  • Detailed event description including learning outcomes, CPD Points, presenter bio and more
  • Downloadable brochure
  • Hyperlinks to registration page
  • Unlimited tags to ensure your training event can be easily found

Paid Listings New Features!

1. Priority Listing

Priority Listing allows us to set a Priority for each event from 1 (lowest) to 20 (highest) – this means that when events occur at the same time, those with the highest priority are listed first. This new feature will now be applied to all Paid Listings and those with a Premium Membership will have the highest priority allocated to their events.

Pinned Events

Pinned Events allows us to now Pin Events which means that those events will always be listed first in our Online CPD Calendar REGARDLESS of their starting date and if there are multiple pinned events they will be ordered by priority.

This new PINNED EVENT feature is available to all Paid Listing Options (Premium Membership; One-Off Listing & Promotion; and Super Basic Option) for an additional $100 per event.

Premium Business Membership includes 12 months of:

  • Unlimited, comprehensive listings and promotion of your training events in our online What’s on? Veterinary CPD Calendar, AND

  • Full Company Listing (Logo, image, Description & Hyperlink) on our On-Demand Online CPD Providers Web Page

Along with a huge range of other benefits and opportunities to promote your business to the Vetanswer Community, our Premium Business Membership option ensures that ALL of your training events are promoted in our online What’s on? Veterinary CPD Calendar and to our veterinary community via our weekly eNews and on social media.

It also includes 12 Months Full Listing on our On-Demand Online  CPD Providers Page

Your Paid CPD Listings in our online What’s on? Veterinary CPD Calendar includes:

Add Pinned Event Feature $100 (inc gst) per Event

Pinned Events are always listed first on our Online CPD Calendar REGARDLESS of their starting date and if there are multiple pinned events they will be ordered by priority.

Pin your event for an additional $100 (inc gst) per event

Click HERE to find out more about our 12 Month Premium Business Membership

If you only offer online, on-demand webinars and courses …

Then you’ll want to be listed on our Veterinary CPD On-Demand webpage with a Full Listing. This includes:

  • Company name & Logo
  • Image of your website
  • Detailed explanation of the CPD you have on offer
  • A nice big link to your website

Our 12 Month Practical Business Membership also includes:

  • 12 months FULL listing in the Vetanswers Business Directory
  • Guest Blog posts promoted in eNews & on social media
  • 2 x Featured Products
  • Ongoing promotional support including opportunity to offer Sweet Treats to our Community

Click HERE to find out more about our 12 Month Practical Business Membership

If you only offer one or two CPD events per year then this is a great option for you.

The One-Off Listing & Promotion Option includes a full comprehensive listing of your event in the What’s on? Veterinary CPD Calendar AND multiple promotions to the Vetanswers Community in our weekly eNews and on social media.

This option also includes the opportunity to publish guest blog posts with content and links to further promote your event.

Add Pinned Event Feature $100 (inc gst) per Event

Pinned Events are always listed first on our Online CPD Calendar REGARDLESS of their starting date and if there are multiple pinned events they will be ordered by priority.

Pin your event for an additional $100 (inc gst) per event

If you’re on a tight budget but still keen to stand out from the hundreds of free listings in the online What’s on? Veterinary CPD Calendar – then this is the option for you.

The Super Basic Option provides your training event with a full, comprehensive listing in the What’s on? Veterinary CPD Calendar including your logo, unlimited description, unlimited tags, uploaded brochure, images and video, and unlimited links but does NOT include any promotion of your event.

Add Pinned Event Feature $100 (inc gst) per Event

Pinned Events are always listed first on our Online CPD Calendar REGARDLESS of their starting date and if there are multiple pinned events they will be ordered by priority.

Pin your event for an additional $100 (inc gst) per event

12 months of unlimited, comprehensive listings and promotion of your training events

If you work in a Veterinary Specialist, Referral or Emergency Centre, we understand that the CPD events you provide are more of an ‘industry service’ rather than a profit-generating venture, and in light of that, we offer a Veterinary Specialist Centre Membership Package.

This package includes full comprehensive listing AND promotions of your events to the Vetanswers Community in our weekly eNews and on social media. This option also includes the opportunity to publish guest blog posts with content and links to further promote your event.

Add Pinned Event Feature $100 (inc gst) per Event

Pinned Events are always listed first on our Online CPD Calendar REGARDLESS of their starting date and if there are multiple pinned events they will be ordered by priority.

Pin your event for an additional $100 (inc gst) per event

Join our list of Premium Members and promote your training events in the What’s on? Veterinary CPD Calendar